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The Lord has used the ministry of Awana to reach kids, equip leaders, and change the world. The unchanging truth of the gospel drives the same vision we’ve held all these years to reach children in every corner of Chicago as we walk boldly into the future and continue to be used by God to help change the world.
We are disciples making disciples. Reaching kids on a weekly basis, God is using Awana around Chicago to form tomorrow’s Christian leaders from today’s children and youth. Awana exists to share the gospel with kids. God is changing the lives of children and youth through the Awana ministry.

Puggles recognizes the learning ability of two and three year olds by introducing biblical concepts at church and equipping families to teach them at home. This year-long preschool ministry curriculum features playful activities, engaging songs and simple crafts as well as take-home resources.
Cubbies nurtures the budding faith of preschoolers and celebrates their desire to explore all that God has created. This two year preschool ministry curriculum features exciting games, storytelling, puppet shows, and biblical teaching as well as take-home activities and tools.
Sparks ignites a child’s curiosity about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. This three year early elementary school ministry curriculum features exciting games, engaging activities, biblical teaching and media resources for kids and leaders.
T&T explores the concept of grace by focusing on the character and nature of God, identity of Christ, as well as the structure and format of the Bible. This four year upper elementary school ministry curriculum is created to ensure that kids and leaders connect through God’s Word.
Trek helps students to dive deep into the Scriptures and answer the tough questions about who they are and why they are here. This three year middle school curriculum features biblically rich content, engaging interactions and practical application for their lives.
Journey establishes high school students as lifelong disciples through a deep study of God’s Word, mobilizing them to live with godly perspective and evident faith. This four year high school curriculum features in-depth biblical content, video teaching, discussions questions and practical application for their lives.
“Awana exists to share the gospel with kids. God is changing the lives of children and youth through the Awana ministry “