Read Psalm 78:1–16

They did not keep God’s covenant and refused to live by his law.Psalm 78:10

How to Talk So Your Children Will Listen is a popular parenting book. The title will seem ridiculous to parents whose only childrearing strategy is “I-said-it-you-obey-it,” but many other parents recognize the wisdom of learning how to communicate respectfully, empathetically, and persuasively with their children.

We might think that our relationship with God operates on the “I-said-it-you-obey-it” formula. There’s no doubt that we owe God our prompt and willing obedience. We don’t have the right to question whether God has been reasonable to demand what He does. But the Bible does not portray God as an autocratic ruler who sends down executive orders from heaven with no accompanying explanation. Instead, reading the Bible, we come to understand that God’s commands are rooted in His kind and generous character. If He asks us to do something or stop doing something, it is for our good. For the next few days, we’ll examine these themes by studying Psalm 78.

Notice the structure of the opening verses today. We are called to give attention to God’s Word—“hear my teaching” (v. 1). But what is the most persuasive reason for heeding God’s authority? Because He’s done great things for Israel! The psalmist catalogs all the feats God accomplished for them as a people: He miraculously rescued them from their slavery in Egypt, He supernaturally provided them with water in the desert, and He faithfully protected and guided them as they were advancing toward the Promised Land.

The temptation to reject God’s authority could have been resisted if Israel had called to mind the Lord’s works and wonders. God had already proven Himself capable and willing to protect and deliver them.

Apply the Word

It’s important to keep a record of God’s providence and provision in our lives. Calling to mind specific ways that God has answered our prayers and comforted us with His nearness is a spiritual practice that strengthens our confidence in God. This prods us to obey God not simply because He says to—but because He’s good and desires good for us.

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