Keeping Company with Temptation: Sin Is Never Solitary

Read Numbers 16:1–35 She took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.Genesis 3:6 In August 2011, the fatal police shooting of a young black man set off a string of violent riots in London. More than 4,000 people were...

Lure of Temptation: A Question of Identity

Read 1 Samuel 15:1–31 The fruit of the tree was . . . desirable for gaining wisdom.Genesis 3:6 When the margins of political victory are wide and leaders are elected handily, politicians feel entitled to drive forward their particular political agenda. They use the...

Lure of Temptation: A Question of Worship

Read 2 Samuel 11:1–5; 12:7–9 The fruit of the tree was . . . pleasing to the eye.Genesis 3:6 David Petraeus is a highly decorated, four-star general who has commanded American troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Though a respected military leader, he resigned his...

Lure of Temptation: A Question of Trust

Read Genesis 13:1–18  The fruit of the tree was good for food.Genesis 3:6 The United States spends about $310 billion a year on tort litigation. In fact, we outspend all of our global neighbors in our quest to defend our rights and demand compensation when those...

Strategy of Temptation: Undermine God’s Authority

Read 2 Timothy 3:1–5; 4:1–4  Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden?”Genesis 3:1 The deaf community is one of the largest unreached groups. Fewer than 1 percent of deaf people call themselves Christians. Because the deaf cannot be reached by...
Strategy of Temptation: Incriminate God’s Character

Strategy of Temptation: Incriminate God’s Character

Read Psalm 73  For God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.Genesis 3:5 Steve Jobs left a legacy of innovation at Apple. From the iPod and the iPhone to the iPad, he launched products that have...